2 SPIN 114 © 2024 The Ménière’s Society ’s Society SPIN: The Ménière’s Society Magazine Ménière’s Society The Atrium Curtis Road Dorking Surrey RH4 1XA 01306 876883 info@menieres.org.uk www.menieres.org.uk Registered charity number: 297246 Contributions to the next issue: To submit articles for consideration for a forthcoming issue, please email spin@menieres.org.uk or write for the attention of Spin to the Ménière’s Society at the above address. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Advertising and Sponsorship: Inserts in Spin, along with quarter, half or full-page adverts are available; as well as sponsorship of Spin or other Ménière’s Society publications or events. For more information about advertising or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us (details above). Founder Mrs Marie Nobbs MBE (1922-2016) Patrons Mr Ian Chapman CBE Dlitt FRSA Ambassador Diego Kaski MBBS PhD Honorary Officers and Trustees Colin Hughes, Co-Chair of Trustees Pennie Ford, Co-Chair of Trustees Sara Christopher, Treasurer Spike Bromley Carol Evans Rory MacNeill David Renton Isabel Spence Simon Webster Disclaimer The Ménière’s Society has undertaken no investigation of any treatment, medication, exercise or diet mentioned in Spin. It makes no representation or warranty in relation to any such treatment, medication or exercise or diet and expressly disclaims any and all liability resulting from its use. The Society strongly recommends you consult your GP, consultant, specialist or therapist for professional guidance before altering, suspending or discontinuing any treatment, medication, exercise or diet. Confidentiality & Privacy Policy We offer a confidential service and will not share your details with any other organisation or individual without your express permission. Your data is stored securely and we will only use your personal information to administer your account, your membership and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. Our Privacy Policy gives more details about how we use and look after your personal information https://www.menieres.org.uk/privacy-policy. Please help us keep your details up to date. Visit https://www.menieres.org.uk/account/ to login or register an online profile with us to let us know how we can contact you and what you’d like to hear about. You can also provide this information over the phone or contact us to receive a form through the post. If you wish to change your mind at any time about the information you receive from us, or how you are contacted by the Ménière’s Society, please call us on 01306 876883 or email info@menieres.org.uk. Copyright The contents of Spin are copyright of the Ménière’s Society, as are the Society’s information sheets and publications, and may not be reproduced or distributed either physically or electronically without the Society’s express permission in writing. Spin is for the personal use of members and others to who it is specifically addressed by the Ménière’s Society. Published by the Ménière’s Society © 2024 Typeset and printed by Hobbs the Printers, Brunel Road, Totton, Hampshire SO40 3WX